Combinatorial Calculation Applied to Transport Planning

14 May 2024 by
Combinatorial Calculation Applied to Transport Planning
Michele DellaLibera
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Combination Calculation

To calculate the number of possible combinations in the assignment of trips to tractors, trailers, and drivers, we can use the concepts of combinatorics.

Let's assume we have:

  • 𝑁 trips to assign
  • 𝑇  tractors available
  • 𝑅 trailers available
  • 𝐴 drivers available

Each trip requires a tractor, a trailer, and a driver. The total combination will depend on the number of ways we can assign these resources to the trips.

The general formula for the number of possible combinations is the product of the number of options for each resource. In other words, for each trip, we can choose a tractor, a trailer, and a driver independently of the other trips. Thus, the formula is:

Combinations =

Example 1

Let's assume we have:

  • 3 trips to assign (𝑁=3)
  • 2 tractors available (𝑇=2)
  • 2 trailers available (𝑅=2)
  • 3 drivers available (𝐴=3)

The total number of possible combinations will be:

So, there are 1728 possible combinations to assign 3 trips to 2 tractors, 2 trailers, and 3 drivers.

Additional considerations

  • If the resources (tractors, trailers, drivers) cannot be reused for each trip (i.e., each resource can only be used once), then we must use permutations without repetition. 
  • If there are restrictions or preferences (for example, a specific driver must drive a specific tractor), these must be considered in the calculation of the combinations.

 Example 2

Assignment of 1000 Tractors, 1200 Drivers, and 2000 Trailers to 1000 Trips without Repeating Resources

To calculate the number of possible combinations without repeating resources for the trips, we consider permutations without repetition.

Steps for calculation

  1. Select 1000 drivers from 1200:

The formula for the combinations is:

  1. Select 1000 trailers from 2000:

Similarly, to select 1000 trailers from 2000:

  1. Permute the 1000 tractors with the selected drivers and trailers:

Since we have exactly 1000 tractors for 1000 trips, the number of ways to assign the tractors is:

                     1000 !

Calculation of the total number of combinations

The total number of possible combinations is the product of the combinations and the permutations calculated:

Total Combinations =

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Practical example

Calculating exactly (12001000)(10001200​), (20001000)(10002000​) and 1000!1000! directly is computationally intensive, but we can consider their orders of magnitude:

  •  is of the order of  
  •  is of the order of 
  •        1000!   is of the order of 

So, the total number of combinations will be of the order of:


The total number of possible combinations to assign 1000 tractors, 1000 drivers, and 1000 trailers to 1000 trips, without repeating resources, is approximately . This number reflects all possible unique assignments of resources to orders.

Transportation Planning Optimization with Guraify AI TrafficLive

In the transportation sector, the complexity of resource allocation is a significant challenge. Imagine having to assign 1000 trips using 1000 tractors, 1200 drivers, and 2000 trailers. The number of possible combinations is astronomical, of the order of . Without the help of advanced technology, solving these problems would require an unmanageable amount of time and resources.

Guraify AI TrafficLive is the revolutionary solution that makes the impossible possible. Thanks to its computational power and advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, Guraify AI TrafficLive can solve these complex allocation problems accurately and in just a few seconds. ​

Capabilities of Guraify AI TrafficLive

  • Unprecedented efficiency: Our solution finds the optimal allocation solution, ensuring that each trip is managed in the most efficient way possible.
  • Real-time updates: Thanks to its processing power, Guraify AI TrafficLive can recalculate every 10 minutes, re-simulating the entire scenario with the new positions of the vehicles. This means our system always takes current conditions into account, constantly optimizing planning.
  • Management of large data volumes: Whether it's 100 tractors, drivers, trailers, and trips, with a number of combinations of the order of , or 1000 units with combinations of , Guraify AI TrafficLive effortlessly manages any fleet size and amount of data.

Advantages for Your Company

  • Reduction of operational costs: By optimizing resource allocation, we reduce downtime and increase operational efficiency.
  • Improvement of customer service: With optimized planning, delivery times become more predictable and punctual, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Adaptability and scalability: Our solution perfectly adapts to any fleet size and can be scaled according to your company’s growing needs.


Guraify AI TrafficLive is not just a planning tool; it’s a revolution in transportation management. Tackling complex combination problems, such as assigning 1000 trips to a fleet of 1000 tractors, 1200 drivers, and 2000 trailers, is a challenge we brilliantly overcome thanks to our advanced technology.

Don’t let complexity slow down your business. Choose Guraify AI TrafficLive for optimal and real-time planning. Your company and your customers will thank you.

Discover more about how Guraify AI TrafficLive can transform your transportation operations today!

Combinatorial Calculation Applied to Transport Planning
Michele DellaLibera 14 May 2024
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